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Drumindoney first choise


Stud dogs

Het verhaal van de succesvolle Labrador Gundog kennel begint met passie. 

Onze honden hebben een pracht karakter met een will to please.


oney first choice

Geboortedatum: 29/04/2021

Ras: Labrador Retriever

Geslacht: Reu (zwart)

Stamboom nr.: KC-AY08415904

Chip: 985111002320000


Vader: FTCH Burrendale Fergie of Caytonfell

Moeder: Gorrympoynt Gudrun Of Drumindoney

Stamboom: K9data

Fokker: Mr A Rooney


Heupen: A

Schouders: 0-0

Ellebogen: 0-0

PRA: Clear

CNM: Clear

SD2: Clear​

Degenerative Myelopathy - PCR
Genotype N/N (exon 2)

Exercise Induced Collapse (EIC) - PCR
Genotype N/N

Hereditary nasal parakeratosis (HNPK) - PCR
Genotype N/N

Dwarfism (Skeletal Dysplasia 2) - PCR
Genotype N/N

STGD-PRA (Stargardt disease) - PCR
Genotype N/N

Certificate of eye examination: All clear
- Microphthalmia 
- Atresia Pun. Lacrim 
- Membrana Pupillaris persistens
- Distichiasis/Ectopische cilie
- Entropion
- Lens luxatie
- Trichiasis
- Ectropion
- Glaucoom
- Macroblepharon
- Comea dystrofie
- Hypoplasie-/ micropapil
- Collie Eye Anomaly (C.E.A.)
- Retina Dysplasie (R.D.)
- Persisterend(d) Hyperplastisch(e) - Tunica
- Vasculosa Lentis en Primair Vitreum (PHTVL/PHPV)
- Lig. Pectinatum abnormalitelten
- Progressieve Retina Atrofle (P.R.A.)
- Cataract (grauwe staar) congenitaal
- Cataract (grauwe staar) niet-congenitaal

In 2024, Travis became Belgian and International Field Trial Champion and qualified for the European Retriever Championship, as well as the Dutch and Belgian Championships.

Drumindoney first choise

Field Trial in France op Watersnip met Travis


Allmikamores Gandalf

Geboortedatum: 01/05/2023

Ras: Labrador Retriever

Geslacht: Reu (zwart)

Stamboom nr.

Vader: FTCh Beileys Aguzannis of Fendawood

Moeder: FTCh Skovager's Six Mile Woodcock

Stamboom: K9data

FokkerLouise Munchaus Adsbøl

Hip dysplasia A
Elbow dysplasia right 0
Elbow dysplasia left 0
Shoulder dysplasie right 0
Shoulder dysplasia left 0


Degenerative Myelopathy - PCR
Genotype N/N (exon 2)

Exercise Induced Collapse (EIC) - PCR
Genotype N/N


Hereditary nasal parakeratosis (HNPK) - PCR
Genotype N/N


Dwarfism (Skeletal Dysplasia 2) - PCR
Genotype N/N


Hereditary myopathy (CNM) - PCR
Genotype N/N


prcd-PRA - PCR 
Genotype N/N (A)


Retinal dysplasia (OSD) - PCR 
Genotype N/N

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